суббота, 19 сентября 2009 г.

How To Choose Right Beach Dresses And Accessories

Do you like summer time, sun, beach, sea, swimming and sunbathing? You say yes? So you need to have right beach accessories and beach dressing that can make you feel happy and comfortable at the beach.

Tips and advice:
- First, you need sunglasses and hat to protect your eyes and head against the bright sun.
- Don't forget about protection of your skin - use sunscreen lotion and you will have an attractive tan without sunburns.
- Choose right bathing suit or swimwear. Women can choose various styles of women's sexy swimwear like bikini, trikini, monokini, tankini, string bikini and more. Men are not lucky enough like women to have variety of swimwear for men. Men can choose a beach swimwear according to the type of its body, taste and color design.
- Beach dress. One of the most popular beach dress is a sarong (also called a pareo). You can wrap sarong around your waist, which will give good coverage, as well as look like a beautiful summer dress.
- Sandals on your feet. Protect your feet from sunburn, seashells and broken glass on the beach.
- Definately, you need a beach towel. Except that you need a towel after bathing, you can spread out a beach towel on the sand and lie on it.
- It is a good idea to have dry change of clothes because you may not want to come back home in your swimwear.

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